Friday, February 25, 2011

Flashback Fanfic Friday! - 'Fastimes'

Click to read Fastimes at Moffatt High

Don't know if I've had a single post about Moffatts fanfic on the Blog yet, and I do apologize to avid fanfic readers. I myself have not read much of it over the years, but there was one particular story my best friend and I read nightly for weeks until we were finished with it (and I'll admit that over the years I've gone back and re-read it once or twice...): Fastimes at Moffatt High.

Fastimes at Moffatt High grew a kind of cult following while it was online at Unfortunately, Fastimes was taken down years ago. But fear not! You can still read it on the ever-amazing Internet Archive! Simply click the Fastimes banner (above) or click here to read. If you haven't read it yet, I promise you'll get into it and be reading the rest of the night (day/afternoon/whatever time it is in your time zone) until you finish.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Music: 'Home on the Range'

Scott has posted a new song to his MySpace Music page. Listen to it below. If the song does not load, please try refreshing the page. If that doesn't work, listen here.

Music Source: Scott Moffatt

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Love this video. It's from 2008. Dave sings one of his own songs karaoke-style! So cute. Hope some of you haven't seen it yet.

If you go to Scareysarey's YouTube Channel and search dave, there are several other videos of him doing karaoke on the same night. This one's just my favorite, since they got him to sing his own song.

Video Credit: Scareysarey

Friday, February 18, 2011

Flashback Friday! - Talk Soup '95-'96

For any of you youngins out there, before The Soup existed on E!, there was Talk Soup. The following video clips are some of my favorites from '95-'96. I remember watching them when they aired. Ah, misty Moffatt-covered memories... :)

Unfortunately, Ken Davis has disabled embedding options for the videos {grumblegrumble}, so you'll have to click the links below to watch. Still, it's worth it! Hilarity will ensue.

The Moffatts Talk Soup - GMA
The Moffatts Talk Soup Cream of 1996

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Club Creeper

Love this photo. Taken at the Bed Supperclub back in 2009, but what a classic. So... who's the creeper in the photo? lol

Photo Credit: Michaela's LiveJournal

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Featured Music Location: The Bluebird Café

For those of you who are not from the United States (or more particularly, from the southern US), the Bluebird Café is an awesome little jewel located in Nashville, Tennessee. Their website describes the café as such:

The Bluebird Café is one of the world’s preeminent listening rooms and the venue has gained worldwide recognition as a songwriter's performance space where the "heroes behind the hits" perform their own songs[...] At The Bluebird, performers include up-and-coming songwriters along with those whose music is regularly on the charts, country music as well as pop, rock and Contemporary Christian hits.

Why do I bring this place up? Because the Moffatts (in particular, Clint and Bob) have been known to "drop in" and play at the Bluebird. And since the twins have started - yet another - new music venture in Nashville (see NEW BAND ALERT! post), I thought it might be prudent to mention the place. Now, I want to make it clear that there isn't any news saying they plan on playing at the Bluebird anytime in the near future, but it'd be worth it to keep an eye on their schedule.

Visit the Bluebird Café's website:
Follow their Twitter account: @BluebirdCafeTN
"Like" them on Facebook: The Bluebird Cafe Facebook Page

All that being said, here's a video of Clint and Bob (aka Two Bullet Parade) playing at the Bluebird back in 2009. Enjoy, and I'll keep an eye (and ear) out for any news of Like Strangers possibly performing there. And if you're ever in Nashville, be sure to check the place out!

Feedback Request: Do you want to see more/less/no posts at all about places that the boys like to perform? Please let me know what you think, and maybe we can have a Featured Music Location once or twice a month! (or not, if you guys hate the idea).

Monday, February 14, 2011

OMGDave Where U At?

I honor of St. Valentine's Day, I give you a post dedicated to my personal fave - Dave. ♥

Toronto, 2006

I realize that this blog is covered in Scott (with a hint of Clint and/or Bob here and there), and there's very little Dave at all. I feel I should point out that I'm not purposely doing this - at the moment, it just happens to be easier to find information on the oldest three.

In all honesty, I've always been a Dave fan, and however much I'd LOVE to post DavedaveDAVE on the blog, he really seems to be the most private of the four, and it's harder to find news/pictures/muchofanything on the web about him. (So if you have photos- SEND THEM IN!!) Through several extensive searches around the Interwebs, I did manage to find the [fairly] recent gem (above) of Dave.

As far as how he is and what he's doing, I can tell you that last I heard, Dave was living in Toronto with his partner (if anyone has an update on his status, please let me know!) So for all of you other Dave fans out there, I'm sorry I don't have more news about him, but enjoy this small taste of Davey! I know I did. ;)

Pssst... If you're looking for a good write-up of what Dave's been up to in the past couple of years, I recommend Walking Behind's Dave page.

Photo Credit:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blog Update (13/02/11)

Just some MFans Blog stats and minor layout changes for February.

  • Updated the Links menu on the right-hand side ➔
  • Updated @MoffattsFans' Twitter background

Number of...

  • Blog followers: 8
  • Twitter followers: 229
  • Facebook "Likes": 24
  • Countries visiting: 15

Thanks to everyone who is following the Blog, following on Twitter, and/or following on Facebook! I've only had the blog for two months, and the support from you guys has been amazing!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Flashback Photo Friday! - Prom 2000

Goodness gracious, holy moly - ADORABLENESS ALERT! Check out the triplets all decked out for Prom back in 2000! So cute. Have a great day!

Photo Credit: (Internet Archive)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

'Bed Sheets #23' Cover - Jan/Feb 2009

Post updated on Friday, February 11, 2011 @ 9:11pm

Scott had a cover story in the magazine Bed Sheets #23 back in January of 2009. You can download a PDF of the issue here. Below the Blog photos, I've typed up the interview if you'd like to read it that way. You'll notice I've corrected the misspelling of his last name in my transcript...

Scott Moffatt: From boy band to studio rebel

Cover Story: Scott Moffatt

Together with his triplet brothers little angelic Scott Moffatt sang his way through the 90's selling over 2 million albums worldwide and stealing countless hearts along the way. Scott is now back in Bangkok producing bands and working on his solo project. He spoke to Bed Sheets about producing hit albums for Thai bands and why he hates zucchini.

Hi Scott, how's it going? Things are great but I am just getting over a cold right now. What was great and what wasn't about being in the Moffatts? Getting to see the world several times and meeting fascinating people along the way. The partying was pretty awesome too. But it's not easy growing up in public. We didn't go to school so we never really socialized with people our own age. Why did you disband? My brother Dave moved to Australia so we decided to call it a day. He came out around the same time so there were rumors flying around that my dad couldn't handle the fact he was gay but that's not really true. Why did you set up base here? My brothers Bob and Clint moved here and I followed them, but they have since moved to Nashville to do country music. Bangkok life has its ups and downs but the food and girls are always fantastic! You've been producing some of Thailand's top bands, how's that going? Really great! This year I've worked on Slot Machine's 'Grey' album and Brand New Sunset. Their new album is much heavier; we turned the amps up to 11! I did some arranging for indie idols Apartment khumpa and am currently putting the finishing touches on the debut album from Getsunova, who look set to become huge. There's also talk of me producing one of Thailand's most controversial bands, but I don't want to hex that project by talking about before it's confirmed. We heard your nickname is Elvis, please explain. Apparently, when I was two years old I used to stand in front of a mirror wearing shades and sing Elvis Presley songs into ice cream cones. Is there anything you can't eat? Zucchini, I hate that shit! My mum used to cook it all the time, maybe because we were poor and it was cheap. Dreadful stuff!

Photo Credit: Bed Sheets

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Just for your viewing pleasure, here are a few of Scott's recent Facebook photos. Love the toothbrush one - LOL. FYI: I have no idea who the girl is in the photos. I assume it's his girlfriend, and I think they're adorable. Thanks to @teamtricia for sending in the photos!

Photo Credit: Scott's Facebook Profile, submitted by @teamtricia

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tony Phee Music Video feat. Scott

This video is c. 2010, so not too old. Wanted to post it just in case some of you haven't seen it. You'll notice Scott on guitar. :) Sorry I was wrapped up in life yesterday! Will try and post something longer later...

UPDATE: There seems to be some confusion about this video. Scott didn't join a new band. He's friends with Tony Phee. He has used Tony Phee's studio to mix some of the bands' music that he has helped to produce. Not positive if he produced this album for Tony or not, but he didn't join a new band. 'Kay? Glad we cleared that up. Have a nice day, y'all. ;)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Adorableness x2

A weekend post? Sure! Why not? Here's some triplet (-1) freakin' adorableness between Clint and Dave. Not sure when these photos were taken (~2008?), but they were posted on The Moffatts - Indonesia Forum a while back. Prepare yourself for some super uber cuteness before viewing.

Always fun and sweet to see brothers being brothers. Happy weekend, everyone!

Photo Source: The Moffatts - Indonesia Forum

Friday, February 4, 2011

Scott with Daylight - August 21, 2010

Pictures of Scott performing with Daylight at Fallabella in Bangkok. I know I posted these a couple of months back on Twitter, but I wanted to post them to the blog (also repost them just in case anyone missed them when I first retweeted them). Not sure who these pictures belong to, so if they're yours, please let me know and I'll give you full credit!

Photo Credit: ??

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

MFans Blog's Visiting Countries

Just a heads up: Sorry if today's post bores anyone.

Now that you've been warned... One of the things I love the most about Moffatts fans is how much of the globe we cover. There are literally Moffatts fans EVERYWHERE. So I thought it would be neat to post the visiting country stats that my StatCounter has gathered over the past few weeks.

The most visits from any one country come from (my home) the US. The second-most visits come from the Philippines. I'm not surprised by these stats at all. :) It is interesting to see where we all come from though! (By the way, I have set my account up so that my visits are not counted, so I'm not making the numbers lean State-side.)

(click map to enlarge)

Like Strangers Rehearsing

In case you've been under a Moffatt-proof rock - or just haven't heard yet :) Clint and Bob have a new band (again) with a new name (again). They are now called Like Strangers, and the following pictures are from their official Facebook Page. You're welcome, and go "Like" their page!!

Photo Credit: Like Strangers on Facebook