Thursday, July 14, 2011

MoffattsFans on Google+

Update: Well it now appears they're not letting non-people entities have G+ accounts just yet... Stay tuned, I guess.

The Blog now has a Google+ account! If you've received an invite already, head on over to and add us to one of your circles! (We will be sure to add you back as well!) Wishing you much peace, love, and Moffatts. See you on Google+!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blog Update (30/06/11)

Blog stats for June. (Haven't posted these since April, so we'll see how much has changed...)

Number of...

  • Blog followers: 14 (+3 from April)
  • Twitter followers: 333 (+66 from April)
  • Facebook "Likes": 96 (+36 from April)
  • Countries visiting: 21 (+4 from April)

Thanks for following! ♥ All of you!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Musicians On Call

Some of you may have seen the following tweet the other day from @LikeStrangersHQ (the official Twitter account of Clint and Bob's band):

I wanted to tell everyone about this program and what they do, because I think it's absolutely fabulous! And I'm so glad Clint and Bob have participated in it! Musicians On Call's website describes the program as such:

Bringing music to those who need it most.

By delivering live, in-room performances to patients undergoing treatment or unable to leave their beds, we add a dose of joy to life in a healthcare facility.

Since 1999, our volunteer musicians have performed for over 250,000 patients and their families. With your help, we can do even more.

You can find out more information on this fantastic program by visiting their website here:

Visit the Nashville chapter's page here:

And follow their Twitter feed here: @musiciansoncall

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

According to...

Dave, according to... a little bit of digging and some comments that Daddy Moffatt (Frank) made on his Facebook profile, Dave is still living in Toronto. A fan (Rain) said, "i miss dave too dad frank. wish i could see dave again". Frank replied, "He's hanging out in Toronto - working with me on my country comedy record :-) and writing some things with me". This "according to" comes from a pretty reliable source, considering it's Frank.

Scott, according to... more comments that Frank made on his Facebook profile, Scott has NOT fathered a child with his girlfriend Praewa Chirapravati Na Ayudhya (or with any other woman, for that matter). A fan (Lucy) asked, "is it true scotts fathered a child seems to be a rumour going round that he has". Frank replied, "NO. Pure gossip. Some people have boring lives ha ha." Once again a reliable source, since Frank said it.

And that's about all I've got for you peoples. I'll leave you with this picture of Dave and Rainer from a couple of years back. I have heard they are still together, and I surely hope so since they are such a sweet looking couple. ♥ you Dave.

Photo Credit: Dave's old Myspace

Monday, June 20, 2011

Moffatts on Twitter!

In case you missed it, a little over a week ago, two of the four Moffatts finally joined the Twitterverse! Welcome to Twitter, Clint and Bob!! You can follow them @ClintMoffatt and @Bob_Moffatt.

Also, their band has a new Twitter account as well. Follow it @LikeStrangersHQ.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Total Hipster

Got a couple of fairly recently posted photos from Scott's Myspace page. Enjoy! [Always love the glasses and the blank stare.]

Photo Credit: Scott's Myspace

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

If you like it then you should have put a ring on it...

Update: Not a rumor! So happy for the both of them!! Congratulations to Bob and Amanda!! Bob, you couldn't have picked a more gorgeous bride! You're a fantastically precious couple, and we wish the both of you all the best! (Read the older post below.)

I'm neither going to confirm nor deny these most recent developments on the interwebs, but rather, simply report what has been observed so that everyone can be on the same page that I am...

First observation: Bob Moffatt's Facebook says that he and Amanda are now married.

Second observation: The Clint Moffatt fan page on Facebook posted the following photo with the following message: "Proud of my bro and sister in-law! Congrats"

All that being said, we wish Bob and Amanda the very, very best (and we really do hope this news is true)! They're an absolutely adorable couple!!

Photo Credit: Clint Moffatt

Monday, June 6, 2011

Acoustic Show: Like Strangers @ 3rd and Lindsley

TONIGHT (Monday, June 6): Like Strangers (and The Invite and Erin Sylvester) at 3rd and Lindsley, 6pm. More info here:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Photo for the Dave Lovers

Never much Dave news, so here's a [giant] photo to hold you over. As we say in the South, stylin' 'n' profilin'!

Photo Credit: Frank Moffatt

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I had to share this, because it's just too cute/funny. Frank (Daddy) Moffatt recently posted this picture to Facebook: Is that... Earl the Christmas Squirrel?! (You know... I hear he works from dawn till dusk, scurrying all around the world, collecting Christmas nuts... Yeah, I know the whole thing because I rock that hard.) Lovelovelove ♥

Walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, and on his Hawaiian cruise... He goes nuts over coconuts and macadamias, too!

Photo Credit: Frank Moffatt

Monday, May 16, 2011

Photo Shoot - Like Strangers

Photos from the Like Strangers photo shoot (posted on the Street Team's website). This is just a taste of the photo shoot, there are a bunch more photos where these came from! Thanks to the Street Team for letting us post a few.

Photo Credit: Like Strangers Street Team

Monday, April 25, 2011

Like Strangers in the [Online] Press

Clint and Bob (aka Like Strangers) showed up in this blog post (April 2011):

They were also mentioned in a June 2010 article about Wrensong/Reynsong Music Publishing:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Live for Life

First off, since this is a Scott-centric post... Scott posted two new songs to his Myspace Music page, so go check them out! New songs: For You and Car. (He also updated his Myspace profile picture...)

Next, here are some photos of Scott at the Live for Life charity concert for Japan on April 3:

(but first here's the poster for the event)

Photo Credit: Scott's Facebook

Monday, April 18, 2011

Like Strangers Showcase Videos

Got three videos for you from the Like Strangers Showcase at 12th & Porter on April 12. Listen. Drool. Enjoy.

Video Credit: Marie & Jason

Thursday, April 14, 2011

12th & Porter Showcase Photos

A few of you have sent in your photos from the Like Strangers showcase at 12th & Porter on April 12. Thanks! They're all fabulous! Also, Ken Davis posted some of the photos he took to Facebook as well. I've posted just a few of my favorites below... (Okay, so there are more than a few...)

If you were at the show and you took photos but haven't sent them in yet, please email them to me and I'll post more later. Like Strangers' official Facebook Page says they will be posting pictures sometime later as well, but I wanted to go ahead and put these up since I've got a freakin fraggin folder-full.

Photo Credit: Marie, Lana, and Ken Davis